Built on
Firm Foundations
Our Mission
To provide quality concrete foundations poured according to plans and specifications within the client’s budget and completed in a timely manner.
About us
Cornell Concrete Constructions have a team of elite concreters who are equipped with the knowledge, expertise and experience in order to provide builders with quality constructed slabs for both residential and commercial foundations. Servicing all areas of Melbourne, we specialise in house foundations and slabs, factory and warehouse floors.


HIA Members

Master Builders Victoria Member

Registered Building Practitioner

Porter Davis Homes Leading Business Partner

“As a base supervisor with p orter davis homes i have worked closely with c ornell constructions for several years now. Over this time Cornell has provided excellent service and a high degree of efficiency in getting slabs poured on time often going beyon d the call of duty in all kinds of weather and unfavourable site conditions.
I have found the company and their internal staff to be cooperative supportive and professional i have noticed that they are constantly seeking ways to improve and become more professional, thus being able to d eliver a great service to our industry a nd be the cutting edge for the future.”
J. Inglis, Base Supervisor
Porter davis homes
Quality & safety is paramount to us.
Quality Assurance
Cornell Concrete Constructions pride themselves on the quality of their workmanship. At Cornell, each team follows a strict slab preparation method to ensure the highest standards of slabs are adhered. All teams are equipped with a Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) checklist which must be completed at the end of project stage. Our internal and external construction partners follow a dedicated pre and post-pour procedure and checklist to ensure all quality standards have been adhered to. Further to this, our expert supervision and quality control team apply a 15 step quality inspection test to every project ensuring every stage of our slabs are completed to a high quality standard.
Maintenance Team
At Cornell, with over 15 years’ of experience in the construction industry, we understand that not all projects go to plan. However, should any issues arise, we will work with you through these unforeseen events. Our Maintenance division is dedicated to assisting you with the repair and upkeep of your slab projects, should this be required. The services we provide include grinding, levelling, overhang, garage topping and general slab maintenance.
Do you have a maintenance enquiry? Email maintenance@cornellconstructions.com.au
Occupational Health & Safety
At Cornell Concrete Constructions, we implement a strong safety culture and offer recurring Occupational Health & Safety training and education seminars to all staff members. Along with this, all staff of Cornell Concrete Constructions adhere to strict Occupational Health & Safety guidelines in order to ensure the safety of everyone involved in the slab production process. All crew members and supervisors wear high visibility/protective clothing and are provided with the best machinery whilst on site or in a company vehicle and follow comprehensive checklists whilst completing their stage of production. Further to this, our sites are constantly well maintained in order to ensure that no members of the public are injured during the construction process.